Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries

an International Journal of Library and Information Science

ISSN 2241-1925


About the Journal

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Editorial Board

Paper Template

Instructions to Authors
The submissions should be sent as an e-mail attachment to secretar@isast.org in MS Word format (.doc).

All manuscripts should be submitted with a pre-defined cover letter & copyright form.

Authors may download both files by clicking here.
QQML Journal, Volume 1, 2012 (pp 1-378) PDF (8770K)
Journal Issues

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Authors should fulfil the following requirements:

• Submissions must be written in English.
• Submissions must use the Paper Template that is located at the journal site (www.qqml.net) and define the Text Area and Font Sizes.
• While there is not a page limit an 8-14 pages paper including figures, tables and references is recommended. The figures and tables must be included inside the text.
• Because of the blind selection and blind review, authors are requested to submit their work without author's name and institutional affiliation in the manuscript. Authors are recommended to safe their anonymity even when they refer to their own work in the text. The detailed identity of the authors and article must be submitted in a separated file including the author’s name, the article’s title, keywords, the author’s e-mail address and the author’s institutional affiliation.
• Authors should make changes to their articles when the editorial board recommends about.
• Manuscripts submitted to QQML- e-journal have not been published previously as a whole and are not simultaneously submitted to other publication for review.
• The pages are numbered.
Citations and References format:
• The citation form in -text is as the following: Last name of the author, year of publication: relevant page number, all in braquets, (Welsh, 2009:143). If the author is mentioned in-text, the citation is formed as the following example: Teresa Welsh (2009: 143) stands that...
• If more than one article from the same author of the same year of publication is cited, they must be ordered alphabetically and marked as 2009a, 2009b, 2009c, etc.
• The texts of more than 40 words that are quoted should be put in quotation marks.
• Figures/graphics/images should are numbered in the text and referred to the primary source. When figures/graphics/images are reproduced, a parenthesis should be added: (Reproduced under permission by…)
• All bibliographic information is provided at the end of the article in a list of references.
• The general rule of the bibliographic reference is: Last Name, First Name (Year of publication). Title. Name of the editor, translator or other contributor. Volume(issue): number of pages. Place of Publication. Name of the Publisher.
• Please check that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and only them). Citation of a reference as 'in press' implies that the item has been accepted for publication.
• Authors are responsible for the accuracy of bibliographic citations. Articles out of the rules will be returned to the authors for correction.

Below there are some examples for different kinds of works:
Powell, R. R. (1987). Basic Research Methods for Librarians, Greenwood, Westport CT.
Skiadas, Christos and Charilaos Skiadas (2008). Chaotic Modelling and Simulation: Analysis of Chaotic Models, Attractors and Forms. CRC/Taylor and Francis. ISBN 978-1-42-007900-5.
Katsirikou, Anthi, ed (2011). Open Access to STM Information; Trends, Models and Strategies for Libraries. Berlin/Munich: De Gruyter Saur. ISBN 978-3-11-025328-3. (IFLA Publications; Nr 153)
For book with more than three authors, only the first name followed (et al.) is mentioned
Article or chapter in a collective work
Katsirikou, Anthi (2008). Information Literacy as National Assets: Individual and Cooperative Activities. In Carla Basili (ed.), Information Literacy at the crossroad of Education and Information Policies in Europe (pp. 203-228). Roma: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.
Article in a scientific Journal
Creth, S. D. (1995). A Changing Profession: Central Roles for Academic Librarians. Advances in Librarianship, 19: 85 – 98.
Article in Conference Proceedings
Larsen, P. Μ. (1992). The Age of re-... Rethinking, Redefining, Redesigning Library Organizational Structures. Proceedings of the 6th National Conference of the Association of College and Research libraries: Academic libraries: Achieving Excellence in Higher Education, 261 – 266.
Thesis or Dissertation
Meletiou, Aristeidis (2012). Data Mining in Digital Libraries. PhD Thesis. Dept of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete.
Electronic Sources
Lau, Jesús (2006). Guidelines on Information Literacy for Lifelong Learning. Access date 07.05.2012 available at http://www.ifla.org/files/assets/information-literacy/publications/ifla-guidelines-en.pdf
Web Site.
20th IATUL Conference (1999). Proceedings. Access date 07.05.2012. Available at : http://www.iatul.org/conferences/pastconferences/1999proceedings.asp

Articles Evaluation
The received articles are firstly considered if they are matching to the objectives of the journal.
The second phase is the anonymous sending of the article to 2 reviewers asking them to approve, to reject the paper or to propose modifications. The paper is rejected if both reviewers agree.
The author must adopt the reviewers’ comments and adjust the paper to them.
The final decision for the publication of a paper is announced to the corresponding author by e-mail.

QQML Journal Author Index 2012-2015 vol 4 special issue (pdf)

QQML Journal 2012-15 Cumulative Title Index vol 4 special issue (pdf)

QQML Journal cumulative contents 2012-2015 vol 4 special issue (pdf)






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