Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries

an International Journal of Library and Information Science

ISSN 2241-1925


About the Journal

The Journal topics include all the field of Library Science.

Editorial Board

Interdisciplinary research is welcomed in all the fields of the Qualitative and Quantitative methodology

Instructions to Authors

The focus is on the improvement of the theory and providing applications in libraries.


The Journal welcomes papers both theoretical and practical.

Communication   QQML Journal, Volume 1, 2012 (pp 1-378) PDF (8770K)
Journal Issues

A more detailed analysis of the main journal topics follows


1 Management
· Excellence and innovation
· Quality and benchmarking
· Measures and metrics

2 Financial strength and sustainability
· Fund raising
· Cost benefit analysis
· Cost assessment
· Value analysis

3 Marketing
· Marketing research
· Public relations
· Publicity
· Communication

4 Communication strategies
· Working with faculty, students, and staff
· Users - Non users
· Alumni, Partners, Stakeholders
· Groups / teams
· Archives, historical societies, museums and art galleries
· Consortia

5 Data Analysis and Data Mining
· Content analysis
· Ontologies
· Knowledge discovery
· Machine learning
· Databases
· Data visualization

6 Digital Libraries
· Digitization
· Museum and art digital objects
· Archival digital objects
· Public libraries digital projects
· Digital content for teaching
· Digital images
· Metadata


Indicative Themes

Bibliographic Control
Bibliometric Research
Change of Libraries and Managerial techniques
Changes in Learning, Research and Information needs and Behaviour of Users
Climate Change Data
Communication Strategies
Conceptual and Organizational Perspectives of Knowledge Communication,
Copyright and licensing
Data Analysis and Data Mining
Development and Assessment of Digital Repositories
Development of Information and Knowledge Services on the Public Library
Development of new metrics
Digital Libraries and Digital archives
Digital preservation and Digitization
E-Learning and the contribution of the libraries, archives and museums
E-research, E-science
Economic Co-operation and Development
Electronic publishing
Energy Data and Information
Environmental Assessment
Financial Management for Excellence
Financial strength and sustainability
Health information services
Historical and Comparative case studies related to Librarianship
Human resources management
Information and Data on various aspects of Food and Agriculture
Information and Knowledge Services
Information literacy: Information sharing, Democracy and lifelong learning
Information retrieval
Innovative management
Intercultural management
Knowledge Based Systems and their Applications
Knowledge management concept and technology,
Knowledge mining
Libraries and shared services
Library Cooperation: Problems and Challenges at the beginning of the 21st century
Library management and marketing
Museums, Libraries and Cultural Organizations
Measuring information literacy effectiveness
Metadata creation
Music Librarianship
New means of selecting, collecting, organizing, and distributing digital content
Open Access and Open Source
Operational information systems
Performance Measurement and Competitiveness
Publishing Models, Processes and Systems
Qualitative and Quantitative methodologies
Re-engineering change in higher education
Resource development policy
Scholarly Information and the new communication technologies
Semantics Web
Strategic management
Team building and management
Technology in the Communication: an interactive tool for development
Technology transfer and Innovation in library management
Theoretical models of information media
Users and User education




Communication: secretar@isast.org